Canton Progressive Club
"Great things are accomplished not alone but more often by the labors of the faithful few." This is true in the origin and achievement of the Canton Progressive Club.

The origin of this club, which has been of untold benefit to this town and community, came about in a simple and natural way. Mrs. Betty Paulsen, a member of our club, carried a petition requesting Extension Service in our county After this goal was attained, the natural thing was the organizatin of our club. Under the leadership of Miss Armstrong, Blaine County's first Home Demonstrtion Agent, we made our debut in 1931 with a small but mighty membership of thirteen ladies.

We sponsor the 4H Clubs

Family Ice Cream Supper
The first officers were: Mrs. Martin, President; Mrs. A. F. Brickman, Vice President, and Mrs. Bessie Slayton, Secretary and Treasurer.

"The club like the mighty turnip grew and grew." Our records list the names of 122 ladies that are or have been members of our club.

The first eight years our club was organized our main project was what was called "The Provident Association". Food and several hundred garments were distributed to the needy of the community each year. We also did some work at the Cemetery, but our records show that it was not until 1939 that it became our main project and much improvement was made.

Throughout the years, we have not only kept the cemetery clean of weeds and trash, but we have put in all new fence posts, painted the buidings, bought new gates, filled in and repaired graves, and bought 4 grass mowers. Mrs. Charlie Acre has been chairman of the Cemetery Committee for the past five years. We are proud to present the following financial report of our cemetery project for the past 5 years. (1948 - 1952 inclusive). Assets - $1,677.96
Labor and Upkeep - $1,615.25
Balance - $62.71

Besides our main projects, we have contributed to the various drives, sent flowers to the sick, assisted the 4-H Clubs, furnished refreshments at the annul 4-H Club came, worked with the Red Cross, helped with the Blood Mobile Unit, and had scores of recreational activities for ourselves as well as the 4-H Club and the Community.

We have worked hard and while our work has not always been pleasant, our souls are filled with a wonderful peace and satisfaction for we know we have done as He would have us to do. May God's richest blessing extend to everyone that has given a helping hand and a bit of encouragement to our work.

Charter Members
Mrs. T. C. Knoop Mrs. Mary Martin (President)
Mrs. George McMichael
Mrs. Owen Paden
Mrs. Tom Saddix
Mrs. Bessie Slayton
Mrs. N. C. Kimball
Mrs. B. F. Green
Mrs. Jim Fountain
Mrs. A. F. Brickman
Mrs. J. Ethington
Mrs. Bert Willis

Canton Progressive Club, members working with Red Cross Moble Unit in Canton.

Mrs. Maggie Acre, Cemetary Committee Chairman, mowers owned by Progressive Club.

The Canton Progressive Club enrolled 25 members at the beginning of the year. We sponsor the 4H Club and always feel like they are really doing well in their projects. Also, we care for the cemetery and each year, we feel elated over its appearance on Decoration Day, and in fact all through the summer.

Lot owners complimented us on our endeavors and donations were given freely to help defray expenses.

Blaine County Clubs Tour
Historical Building
Oklahoma City, 1953


In January we had a food sale, which netted us $40.00 and in August served at a sale, which returned about $25.00 on February fifteen of our members, helped out at the Red Cross Mobile unit while in Canton. Ribbons were purchased by the Club for the 4H Local Club rally in April. Five dollars was given to the Blaine County Camp and a skating party was given to the 4H members.

In May, we had seven entries in the style revue, receiving one grand champion, two blue and four red ribbons. We placed fourth in style revue. At the County Fair we had a complete clothing and canning exhibit and scrap book. Prize money totaled $17.00 we made donations to the caner and March of Dimes Drive.

One member attended the Farm Home Conference at Stillwater in August and we had three to six members attend the spring and fall County Council meetings. We had one family birthday party during the year. Thirty-one guests attended our achievement day tea in October. Members had eleven demonstrations at our meetings during the year and each month our reporter had an item in our local paper Looking forward to another good year.

Pansy Ott
Secretary for 1953